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PC to TV Converter Which One to Use Is a Matter of Choice

VGA to PC to TV Video Converters are becoming popular because of our desire to get our computer output to our nice video screens for parties and watching picture collections, movies and whatever suits our fancy. I have been looking at the component boxes you can purchase that allow you to have PC to TV connections and be able to switch between your different video outputs from various consoles, computers and input boxes from cable companies, all housed in one nice tight package.

Technology has been a welcome companion to the video and TV manufacturing companies that abound in many countries. There is disjointedness because of this evolution when it comes to output from each device in order to talk to the next device. You have each manufacturer being able to decide what type of output they want to incorporate into their design. Some companies want proprietary outputs, so everyone has to buy their version of cables to communicate with the plethora of devices already on the market. Kind of like how the power supplies got all out of whack with their voltages and diameter sizes for their connections and changed the way we have to buy them. Universal units always find their way into the market and fill the voids left by these companies.

These output details are something we as consumers cannot control, and if we want a manufacturer’s product, we have to go and get the extra cables that do the job we want. Within these constraints, there are numerous companies that have sprung up to help with this dilemma. These companies make converter boxes and input panel boxes to help us formulate a successful connection path between all of these devices. I am not going into brands, but I must say that these companies have components that range from very small fit in the hand type units with a couple of interfacing inputs and outputs to nineteen inch rack mount units 3-5U’s high with banks of inputs and outputs.

I think we are getting to this point and unless everything goes infra-red or wireless to some degree, we are going to have continue to have cables lying around everywhere from one device leading to the next. Being able to have all of your cables become centralized by hooking them up to a panel or converter can help with the organization of the wires, and in some cases when folks get creative, they can hide the wires to an extent. I wonder how it will be when we get rid of wires completely.

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